Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Since we last spoke, a few things have changed in my life. Nothing drastic! However, I do think I should update you!
  • I decided to move to Woodbridge! Although things aren't set in stone as yet, I'm 90% sure it's going to happen! :) I'm dreading the traffic!
  • I plan on purchasing a vehicle by November 1st! Me thinks it can happen! Time to save! :)
  • I'm now with AT&T! I won't even get into the whole Sprint drama!
  • I haven't spoken to (who I thought was) a good friend of mine in a couple of months! We spoke EVERY DAY! Three to four times a day! Now he just kinda disappeared on me! :( I'm sad! We've been friends since my freshman year of college! He also read my blog! Hopefully he'll read this and see that he's missed!
  • I went to Vegas! Pictures will be posted shortly! :) What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas! So nothing to talk about there!
  • I got a new laptop, digital camera & printer! Woot Woot! :)
  • I have a new LOVE for twitter! I know, I know! I would add the twitter gadget to my page, but that means I'll have to make my posts unprotected, which I just won't do! I say some reckless stuff @ times! I don't want the sweet girl image you have of me to be tainted!
I guess that's really it! I'll do my best to keep you posted! :)


When I first moved to the DMV, one of the first advice I received was to network as much as possible. We've all heard it before...."It's not about what you know, but who you know."

Last week, I attended the Young Hospitality Industry Professionals (YHIP) happy hour at the Helix hotel with few of my colleagues! (Side note: I love that spot!) The crowd was predominately white; mid-twenties to early-forties.

While sipping on my cosmo, I decided to "people watch" as I like to call it! While checking out the crowd, I noticed that the majority of people were walking around meeting new people. You can tell it was a new connection because of the introduction. I noticed a lot of business cards were being passed around. So after about my third cosmo, I decided to head over to my next destination...The Park @ 14th! Soon after I arrived, I decided to continue people watching. For those that have yet to go to The Park on a Thursday evening, the crowd is predominately black. Most are in their mid-twenties to early-forties.

Whilst checking out the crowd, I noticed a difference in the atmosphere. There really wasn't any networking going on. It was mostly men standing around drinking w/their colleagues/friends/etc. while checking out the women walking around. Okay, you can say this wasn't a networking event, however, happy hours have always been an unofficial networking event. Instead, it was more like a "hook up" spot!

I know there are a lot of differences between blacks and whites, but I thought most happy hours were pretty standard! You drink, meet new people, make new connections...etc., etc., etc. Well, I guess you can call meeting a new dude @ the park a new connection, but what can he do for me professionally? At the YHIP event, I met the manager of the hotel who kinda gave me that sweet deal - I won't say since nothing is written in stone as yet. But the point is, a business connection was made.

Right now, I don't even know if I have a conclusion to this blog. I'll just end it by asking...What gives?

*Please excuse the poor grammar. I have a slight headache and I'm unable to think straight. I wanted to get this out before I lost my train of thought! :)