When your love is lost
Your whole worlds thrown off
When the one you need don't need you
What do you do when love is lost
Your whole worlds thrown off
When the one you need don't need you
What do you do when love is lost
-Trey Songz "Love Lost"

Many of you already know that I am ABSOLUTELY in LOVE with Trey Songz. His voice, his words.. his...! Okay, I'll keep it PG! :) During my commute into work today, I had his album on blast! I always get emotional when "Love Lost" comes on. It reminds me of pain. The pain of a breakup! Believe it or not, I have experienced a few breakups in my 25 years on this earth. And believe me, it's not something that anyone wants to go through, but really, what can you do? Relationships can only work if two people are on the same level.
Some may think I don't seem to have a worry in the world. But really, I worry if I may end up being alone. I worry that one day I'm going to give my all to a guy, just to have it thrown in my face. I can hear it now... Oh girl, you're still young! You have soooo much more to experience! You have a point, however, I like to be prepared. That's just the type of person I am! I pack a week before a trip! If I have to experience five more breakups before I meet my future, then I would like to fast forward because my poor little heart can't take it.
The breakups that I've dealt with in the past have been a learning experience for me. Never do I dwell on the past of what could have been. I usually just dust off and carry on as if nothing happened. This sounds good, however, I need to learn to express myself more...with tears, with words... with action! I find that I bottle so much in, that the first chance I get to talk about it, I just collapse. Not literally of course.
Many people may see me as a strong person. The girl that could care less if a guy doesn't call me back. Yes, that's true to some extent, but even I get sad when someone I'm really interested in does not share that same interest.
You can say that I need to find love in God and everything else will follow. This is true! However, I do believe that we were put on this earth to LOVE someone. And with love, of course comes happiness.
I just want to be happy!
Some may think I don't seem to have a worry in the world. But really, I worry if I may end up being alone. I worry that one day I'm going to give my all to a guy, just to have it thrown in my face. I can hear it now... Oh girl, you're still young! You have soooo much more to experience! You have a point, however, I like to be prepared. That's just the type of person I am! I pack a week before a trip! If I have to experience five more breakups before I meet my future, then I would like to fast forward because my poor little heart can't take it.
The breakups that I've dealt with in the past have been a learning experience for me. Never do I dwell on the past of what could have been. I usually just dust off and carry on as if nothing happened. This sounds good, however, I need to learn to express myself more...with tears, with words... with action! I find that I bottle so much in, that the first chance I get to talk about it, I just collapse. Not literally of course.
Many people may see me as a strong person. The girl that could care less if a guy doesn't call me back. Yes, that's true to some extent, but even I get sad when someone I'm really interested in does not share that same interest.
You can say that I need to find love in God and everything else will follow. This is true! However, I do believe that we were put on this earth to LOVE someone. And with love, of course comes happiness.
I just want to be happy!
thx for sharing a softer side of yourself. its ok to express yourself and show that your vulnerable. you're human and we've been blessed with emotions. this applies not only to relationships but to every aspect of life.