Monday, October 18, 2010

I've Learned (Part Deux)

"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them."
-Maya Angelou

Another quote from the GREAT Maya Angelou. To tag on to the last post, I've learned to trust my first instinct. Why am I surprise when sh*t falls apart further down the line? The signs were there. Why did i choose to ignore it? It's the part of life we really have no concrete answer to.

You know this thing is bad, but yet and still you chose to go with it anyway. You know nothing was going to come out of it, yet you still tagged along for the ride (pun intended). I am definitely learning to be more selective in the people that I choose to bring into my life. I have not always made the right choices in the past when it came to men. And you know what, it's not always their fault. I take SOME of the blame. I close my eyes when the signs are there. I continue the "relationship" although, it really wasn't much of one. When will I learn? Oh wait, I am learning! :)


  1. The key is to keep on learning. You don't want to put up walls and when something comes around, it may be packaged in what you think is one thing but when opened its something completely different. I say to enjoy the ride, and take the experiences as just that, and keep learning. Mistakes are part of life, its what we do with the lesson that matters.

  2. You are so right Rach. :)
    Thanks for your comment!
