Then… it got out of hand. He kept on talking about... Night after night after night! I got tired of the bitter look on his face when he spoke very harshly about Mexican immigrants. He made it seem as if they were the worst thing to happen to America.
Then I decided to silently boycott his show.
Lou, there are way more serious things going on in this country. If you really think illegal immigration is really that big of an issue, why don’t you go down to the border and build a wall? You know what… while you’re at it…why not build a wall around the whole USA. Make sure you hit every coast!
What many people fail to realize is that this country was build by immigrants!
Lou, you are a bitter old man. You seem to disagree with damn near everything that happens in politics! You need to smoke a fat one and chill!
& on that note... I’m out!
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