Friday, September 19, 2008

To go...or not to go..... THAT is the Question!

I've been holding off on seeing Tyler Perry's new movie. I've heard some good things..and I've also heard some not-so good things about it! I can honestly say that I've never really been a fan of Tyler Perry! As much as I lvoe to support my black people... that does not mean I have to spend every bit of money on the garbage that they decide to put out.

Ok...garbage might be a strong word when describing his movies, however, I feel that his movies are blah! Yes.. blah! They're filled with a bunch of "over-actors." The movie tends to have way too much going on...and at the end...all the problems are solved! I just find that to be a little unrealistic.

Don't preach to me it's a movie! When I leave a movie theater, I want to feel as though I didn't waste my money (or someone else's).

I guess I still have a couple more months to think about it... but trust me, I'm in no rush! I still haven't seen Sex in the City! I know!!! But that's a whole different blog within itself!


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